
I DID UNDER 2.5 GOALS ON EVERY GAME! – Betfair Trading

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Hello Hello Hello! Welcome to my channel!

Like I said in the video, I’m getting fed up with people on YouTube offering finance advice, expecting us to be able to follow when they don’t give us the steps, they show us their profit but don’t show us how they go there!

At First Hand Finances we’re going to do everything FIRST HAND with NO BULLSH*T! It’s simple we’re going to try out every possible *get rich quick* scheme online, from stocks to dropshipping we’re giving everything a go and creating our own guides for people to follow in the future.

I’m going to make mistakes so you don’t have to!
If you need to get in touch drop me a DM over on Twitter!

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  1. and here is the flaw … serie a opening goal home 0-5 and 1-0 at 6 minutes last 160 , 78% ended over 2.5 and 55% ended over 3.5 and even worse if you back unders after an early goal as a chaser to your original lay trade or an opening unders trade after the early goal is that in the 160 games 52/160 produced a 2nd goal by 20 minutes .Summary people backing unders at kick off and the dreaded early goal do not understand the effect that the early goal may have in an individual league .

  2. Enjoyed your video. Similar to a strat of mine where I back under 2.5 but also back the fav (match odds) as a "bit" of insurance as they're likely to score first so 1 market cancels out the other if there's a goal before you cash out.

  3. Hello. Ú háve nice friendly stratégies. Maybe would be good to start use as followed.
    1. Stake on under 2.5 goals. If no goal Till 20min take profit.
    2. If goal till those tíme cash out and stake new bet with under 3.5 goals with higher stake which ll cover lose from 2.5 goals and If no goal leave till end example. When 2th goal soon then also cashout and bet under 4.5 with higher stake and so on. Do target is to manage profit from match.

  4. Don't entirely agree that the pre match market is correct. How about backing all the outsiders in 10 premier league games.
    Oh and you made a profit on this video, so it did work!

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